require 'herorealms' require 'decks' require 'stdlib' require 'stdcards' require 'hardai' require 'mediumai' require 'easyai' -- existing cards can be completely overridden within script -- just create a function with same name as original card has -- and it would be replaced for your hero function cleric_shining_breastplate_carddef() local cardLayout = createLayout({ name = "Shining Breastplate", art = "art/cleric_shining_breastplate", frame = "frames/cleric_armor_frame", text = "Champion gets +1 defense permanently\n(requires 40 health)" }) return createMagicArmorDef({ id = "cleric_shining_breastplate", name = "Shining Breastplate of Hope", types = {clericType, magicArmorType, treasureType, chestType}, layout = cardLayout, layoutPath = "icons/cleric_shining_breastplate", abilities = { createAbility( { id = "cleric_shining_breastplate", trigger = uiTrigger, activations = singleActivation, layout = cardLayout, effect = pushTargetedEffect( { desc = "Choose a champion to get +1 defense (permanent)", validTargets = s.CurrentPlayer(CardLocEnum.InPlay), min = 1, max = 1, targetEffect = grantHealthTarget(1, { SlotExpireEnum.Never }, nullEffect(), "shield"), tags = {toughestTag} } ), cost = expendCost, check = minHealthCurrent(40).And(selectLoc(currentInPlayLoc).where(isCardChampion()).count().gte(1)) }) } }) end function orc_guardian_carddef() return createChampionDef({ id="orc_guardian", name="Orc Guardian", types={ orcType, noStealType }, acquireCost=0, health = 3, isGuard = true, abilities = { createAbility({ id="feisty_orcling_auto", trigger = autoTrigger, effect = nullEffect() }) }, layout = createLayout({ name = "Orc Guardian", art = "art/t_orc_guardian", frame = "frames/coop_campaign_cardframe", text = "He's quite defensive.", health = 3, isGuard = true }) }) end --given to the players at the start of the game, triggers at the start of first player's turn then sacrifices itself function doubleHealthBuffDef() -- here we define an effect for the buff local ef = gainMaxHealthEffect(currentPid, getPlayerMaxHealth(currentPid)) -- order is important here. If you heal player before increasing max health -- it would heal only up to current max health .seq(healPlayerEffect(currentPid, getPlayerMaxHealth(currentPid))) .seq(gainMaxHealthEffect(oppPid, getPlayerMaxHealth(oppPid))) .seq(healPlayerEffect(oppPid, getPlayerMaxHealth(oppPid))) -- now we sacrifice the card, so we don't bother it triggering at the start of next turn -- useful for one time effects .seq(sacrificeSelf()) return createGlobalBuff({ id="double_health_buff", name = "Double health", abilities = { createAbility({ id="double_health_effect", trigger = startOfGameTrigger, effect = ef }) } }) end function setupGame(g) -- register newly created cards for further use -- no need to register overridden cards, like shining breastplate here registerCards(g, { orc_guardian_carddef() }) -- startardSetup function accepts a table with all data required to set the game up standardSetup(g, { -- script description - displayed in in-game menu description = "Custom no heroes game", -- order in which players take turns playerOrder = { plid1, plid2 }, -- sets AI for ai players ai = createHardAi(), -- if true, randomizes players order randomOrder = true, -- pairs of opponents opponents = { { plid1, plid2 } }, -- specify up to 5 cards to appear in the center row at the start of the game centerRow = { "arkus__imperial_dragon", "fire_bomb" }, -- this allows to change market deck. tradeDeckExceptions = { -- here we set which cards populate market deck { qty=3, cardId="orc_guardian" }, { qty=18, cardId="influence" } }, -- set to true if you don't want trade deck noTradeDeck = true, -- set to true if you don't want market deck shuffled noTradeDeckShuffle = false, -- set to true if you don't want fire gems noFireGems = true, -- array of players players = { { -- sets up id for the player. options are plid1, plid2, plid3, plid4 id = plid1, -- sets how many cards player draws at the start of the game. If not set, first player will draw 3, second player - 5 -- commented out as we have random order enabled. -- startDraw = 3, -- sets how hero get initialized init = { -- takes hero data from the selection (VS AI or Online) fromEnv = plid1, -- empties selected hero deck emptyDeck = true, -- overrides selected hero avatar -- avatar = "assassin" }, -- cards allows to add any cards to any of hero location at the start of the game cards = { deck = { { qty=1, card=fire_gem_carddef() }, }, buffs = { -- mandatory card: discards cards at the end of turn and draws next hand drawCardsCountAtTurnEndDef(5), -- mandatory card: processes discards at the start of turn discardCardsAtTurnStartDef(), -- grants increased by 1 combat starting from turn 40 fatigueCount(40, 1, "FatigueP1"), -- custom buff we created to double health doubleHealthBuffDef() } } }, { id = plid2, -- optionally make opponent an ai -- isAi = true, -- startDraw = 5, name = "AI", -- sets avatar for the player avatar="assassin", -- starting health health = 500, -- if not set - equals to starting health maxHealth = 500, -- you may also set cards for "hand", "inPlay", "discard", "skills" cards = { deck = { { qty=1, card=fire_gem_carddef() }, }, buffs = { drawCardsCountAtTurnEndDef(5), discardCardsAtTurnStartDef(), fatigueCount(40, 1, "FatigueP2") } } } } }) end -- more info on this later function endGame(g) end function setupMeta(meta) = "example_script_vs_ai_advanced_deck_management" meta.minLevel = 0 meta.maxLevel = 0 meta.introbackground = "" meta.introheader = "" meta.introdescription = "" meta.path = "/Users/artemovechkin/Documents/wwg/scripts/example_script_vs_ai_advanced_deck_management.lua" meta.features = { } end