require 'herorealms' require 'decks' require 'stdlib' require 'stdcards' require 'hardai' require 'mediumai' require 'easyai' -- just an empty card to be displayed in skills area and for checking when granting gold local function wisdom_of_the_wolf() card = createSkillDef({ id = "cunning_of_the_wolf", name = "Wisdom of the Wolf", abilities = { }, cardEffectAbilities = { }, layout = createLayout({ name = "Wisdom of the Wolf", art = "art/t_cunning_of_the_wolf", text = "You generate\n double from \ncards in your deck." }), }) return card end -- just an empty card to be displayed in skills area and for checking when granting combat local function wolf_strength_skill() card = createSkillDef({ id = "strength_of_the_wolf", name = "Wolf Strength", abilities = { }, cardEffectAbilities = { }, layout = createLayout({ name = "Wolf Strength", art = "art/t_strength_of_the_wolf", text = "You generate\n double from \ncards in your deck." }), }) return card end -- simple choice effect, showing two layouts and executing selected one, triggers at the game start local function chooseTheSkill() return cardChoiceSelectorEffect({ id = "choose_the_wolf_skill", name = "Choose the wolf skill", trigger = startOfGameTrigger, upperTitle = "Choose one.", lowerTitle = "(Your opponent gets the other.)", effectFirst = createCardEffect(wisdom_of_the_wolf(), loc(currentPlayer(), skillsPloc)) .seq(createCardEffect(wolf_strength_skill(), loc(oppPlayer(), skillsPloc))) .seq(noUndoEffect()).seq(drawCardsWithAnimation(3)), effectSecond = createCardEffect(wolf_strength_skill(), loc(currentPlayer(), skillsPloc)) .seq(createCardEffect(wisdom_of_the_wolf(), loc(oppPlayer(), skillsPloc))) .seq(noUndoEffect()).seq(drawCardsWithAnimation(3)), layoutFirst = createLayout({ name = "Wisdom of the Wolf", art = "art/t_cunning_of_the_wolf", text = "You generate\n double from cards in your deck." }), layoutSecond = createLayout({ name = "Strength of the Wolf", art = "art/t_strength_of_the_wolf", text = "You generate\n double from cards in your deck." }), turn = 1 }) end -- combat mod function allows you to do anything with any combat generated in game -- here we check if a card with double combat is in current player's skills location function combatMod(value) return ifInt(selectLoc(currentSkillsLoc).where(isCardName("strength_of_the_wolf")).count().eq(1), multiply(toIntExpression(value),const(2)),toIntExpression(value)) end -- gold mod function allows you to do anything with any gold yielded from cards -- here we check if a card with double gold is in current player's skills location function goldMod(value) return ifInt(selectLoc(currentSkillsLoc).where(isCardName("cunning_of_the_wolf")).count().eq(1), multiply(toIntExpression(value),const(2)),toIntExpression(value)) end function setupGame(g) -- startardSetup function accepts a table with all data required to set the game up standardSetup(g, { description = "Sibling Rivalry experiment", -- script description - displayed in in-game menu playerOrder = { plid1, plid2 }, -- order in which players take turns ai = createHardAi(), -- sets AI for ai players -- randomOrder = true, -- if true, randomizes players order opponents = { { plid1, plid2 } }, -- pairs of opponents players = { -- array of players { id = plid1, -- sets up id for the player. options are plid1, plid2, plid3, plid4 startDraw = 0, init = { -- sets how hero get initialized fromEnv = plid1 -- takes hero data from the selection (VS AI or Online) }, cards = { -- cards allows to add any cards to any of hero location at the start of the game buffs = { drawCardsCountAtTurnEndDef(5), discardCardsAtTurnStartDef(), chooseTheSkill(), fatigueCount(40, 1, "FatigueP1"), } } }, { id = plid2, -- sets up id for the player. options are plid1, plid2, plid3, plid4 init = { -- sets how hero get initialized fromEnv = plid2 -- takes hero data from the selection (VS AI or Online) }, cards = { -- cards allows to add any cards to any of hero location at the start of the game buffs = { drawCardsCountAtTurnEndDef(5), discardCardsAtTurnStartDef(), fatigueCount(40, 1, "FatigueP1"), } } } } }) end function endGame(g) -- more info on this later end function setupMeta(meta) = "example_sibling_rivalry_effect" meta.minLevel = 0 meta.maxLevel = 0 meta.introbackground = "" meta.introheader = "" meta.introdescription = "" meta.path = "/Users/artemovechkin/Documents/wwg/scripts/example_sibling_rivalry_effect.lua" meta.features = { } end